Yesterday I had an artist vendor booth at Downtown Shawnee's "A Walk on the Art Side"- an art and music festival brought to the town by the local nonprofit Safe Events for Families. S.E.F.F. has a hand in many aspects of community beautification and safe holiday programming for kids, and has been putting on the event for a few years, and it has grown steadily each year. This year, in addition to local artisans, food vendors, musicians, dancers, and artists from surrounding areas came to show off their wares.
Here are some photos from the day! I had some great helpers in my booth and loved seeing all my hometown friends and meeting new ones!

The corner where we set up... the food vendors were local (we even got a goodie bag with water and downtown eatery menus) and I had some of the yummiest cherry lemonade ever!

My little booth. one side anyway.

The other table of small pieces.
Dancers at the corner- we were had a good view the stage :) |
Look at this beautiful quilt! lovely artists of all media were on the scene. |
Pottery (from the same booth with the quilts) |
Back at my booth, lots of people watching through my mosquito net ;) |
Every time Shawnee has an art event it makes me a little happier. The downtown area has lots of potential and the community has a very creative youth. I can think of a great number of artists, writers, and musicians from my high school class who are doing well following their dreams-- and small towns are good places to birth big ideas.