Sunday night I went to our city's Dr Sketchy's session, a monthly live figure drawing group that utilizes models from the community, often performers or dancers, and gives artists and sketching enthusiasts of all skill levels a chance to draw a live model in an informal setting. Unlike
Sketchfest, which is more stay-at-home sketching and across the internet, this is a more social event, sometimes with door prizes and always good music. This Sunday we had the lovely Adele Wolf for our model.
poses are typically timed, from 1-2 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 and 20 minute sketches. |
sketches from 2 minute poses. gesture drawing is useful for getting lines/shadow/shape and not so much details. |
games are played too! I drew this with my foot! haha I think I can see her arms... |
Lookin' a little better, from a 10 minute pose. |
To locate a Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School group near you, check out their
main website.