Nothing is more useful to me (and scary to others near me) than pushing me out of my comfort zone...
Just like sending a kid to camp where it's easy to feel like an outsider in a place that's supposedly safe, sometimes I need to be thrown into the deeper end of the pool until I learn how to swim. It's been awhile since that's happened to me, and over the last week the biggest lesson I have been learning has been to remember that I DO remember how to swim (and quite well) when I get thrown in the water.... but (cue mixed metaphor) if I open my big mouth, I might suck up some ocean water and drown. And we don't even have oceans in Oklahoma... that's how big my mouth is some days!
Anyway... I had an opening last week at Picasso Cafe as an artist in their rotating monthly series- and I really have to hand it to the servers for doing such an amazing job with apps and drinks and staying so friendly with all of us acting like weirdos... Some coworkers from my part-time gig at the music studio came by and some long-time friends from the neighborhood stopped by and that was such a great feeling to see them and get that support.
cards made by the restaurant. did not see any at the reception but saw a big stack of them wrapped in plastic at install. If you find one I want one, I gave this one away! :) |
an "Okie" gin and tonic from Picasso's has an almost green tea flavor... the server said the gin was locally sourced from Guthrie. Normally I don't like G&T's but this one was really yummy. |
Also one of my smaller paintings from the show was spotted over at
612OKC on the second floor....neat.
I went to 612 after being invited to a collaborative project run by an artist from Savannah named
Katherine Sandoz, who is working on a HUGE fabric assemblage piece for the building...
Katherine is extremely professional and knowledgable about design and the business of art. I am not sure how much help I was today (there was lots of cutting and ironing and sewing!) but here are a few pics of the workspace and some of my cut pieces that will hopefully be a part of the entire project.
making a pattern from canna flower leaves... |
canna leaves in fabric, sewn together... |
some of Ms Sandoz' pieced together artwork on the floor... |
There will be an opening reception for Katherine Sandoz' large artwork with much fanfare on Friday June 12, at the studio SixTwelve. It is part of the 612 org's artist residency exchange program between Oklahoma City, OK and Savannah, GA.